很高兴可以发布这篇关于WordPress高级免费主题的文章,因为一直在为WPYOU 主题定制客户进行专门的服务,所以很多有关WordPress的文章都发布在了WPYOU 网站和论坛上,这里是15款非常高质量的WordPress免费主题,即使用不到也同样值得收藏。
1. DesignPile
2. Notepad Theme
Notepad theme is inspired by the iPhone’s Notes.app. This new theme is widget compatible with threaded comments, social media buttons, and multi-level dropdown menus. It has been tested on WordPress 2.9 with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and IE7+. It also includes some nice CSS3 enhancement such as rounded corners and drop shadow.
3. SimpleFolio
SimpleFolio has 2 different widget areas and threaded comments, also supports paged comments and has 2 different page templates for advanced usage. The control of images is done from the post page, threw 2 fields that have the instructions on the size of the images.